Let me just say, yesterday was a good day. The stars aligned over our little 700 square foot house, and the results were great. Not only did we finally get our drawings completed and stamped by the architect and engineer, we were also able to get out building permit! It was the culmination of an entire summers work coming together in one $1,200 dollar bang. That is the cost of a building permit on a addition valued at $48,000. Note to self, additions are not affordable. The thing that kills me is how much money you have to spend before you can even get your loan. You've got architectural fees which are a couple grand, engineer fees, around a grand, building permit, at least a grand, inspection is a couple hundred. You could easily spend $5,000 out of pocket before the bank will even consider a loan.
Speaking of loans, before I can get ours, I need to bid out the entire project. Since I will be acting as general contractor, I am looking for some good subs. Anyone know of any local? In particular I am looking for a good concrete guy, roofer, drywall and roofer. Any suggestions will be welcome. As soon as I can get all my written bids together, I can get my loan, and break ground. It looks like we might even get it all done this year if we hurry.